What is a Demo car?

A Comprehensive Guide to Demonstration vehicle

Japanese Demo Car

Demo cars are the vehicles used by car dealerships to showcase various features to potential customers. Demo cars are the vehicles Auto-maker's dealers also use the Demo car for customer test drives (driven by the dealer's staff).

However, auto-makers dealership
does't allowed customers to drive the demo vehicle. Instead their staff drive the demo vehicle and the customer can only ride as a passenger to test vehicle's overall comfort.

The word "Demo Car" is an abbreviation of demonstration, which are the vehicles were on display at auto-maker's dealerships showrooms for the customers to have a look outside & inside and take a test drive (driven by the dealer's staff) to check vehicle's comfort and feel for the car before deciding on the purchase.

Demo cars are exactly the same as Brand New cars and are worthy to call as new car. Most demo cars are between 1,000 km to 5,000 km (approximately) on the odometer.


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